One step closer.

Our site plan has been approved!

Trails were moved to conserve larger trees.

1.25 mile ADA compliant asphalted trails complete.

Here's a preview of the site featuring our makett.

Another angle of the makett. We're excited to see the finished product.
Veteran John Karafa takes pictures of the construction.

There's some site cleanup and stump removal to be done.
Clearing debris.
More progress clearing debris.
Cleaning out the drainage area.
Cleaning out dug-up stumps.

Debris gathered to haul off.
Hauling away some debris.
Henderson Construction moving in to cut the trails.
Starting the construction entrance.
Construction entrance almost done.
Construction entrance complete.
Trails flagged.
Henderson Construction has trails 90% cut in within 3 days.
Silt fence going in.
A great day to begin cutting in trails.
Graded the slopes and planting grasses.
Planting more grass for erosion control.
A few more trees to move to clear the statute.
Cleaning up the leaves to put down some grass seed.
Installing conservancy signs.

Spreading grass seed on site.
All clear now.

Spreading Livingston compost for grass seed.

Livingston composting.

Green grass is coming in well.

Composting makes for green grass!

The site is progressing. We can't wait to finish clearing and seeding.
Bringing in the base materials.
Branscome donated and hauled 300 tons of base material.

Building the form for the concrete base.

Building the form for the concrete base.

Building the form for the concrete base.

The form is ready for concrete.

The form is ready for concrete.

It took two concrete mixers to fill the form.

Concrete pouring in July.

Concrete base is almost ready to cure.

Concrete base.

Concrete base.

Star Granite uses an 11-foot diameter diamond tipped saw to make each pass of 5-foot cuts for our eight statue base panels.

Many thanks to Star Granite and Bronze for their expertise and the tour of the processing plant!

Our statue is bubble-wrapped for protection while awaiting shipment from Star Granite and Bronzing to Williamsburg.

We're looking forward to raising the flag with the full statue. We've got a lot of fundraising to do!

The statue is cast.

The statue is cast.

The statue is cast.

The statue is cast.
Grading to ensure ADA Compliance.
Almost a mile of trails ready for asphalt.
Last intersectino to the statue foundation.
Erosion control EC-1 blanket with straw and seed.
Mulch blown in to cover the EC-1 blanket.
Lower end of the trails ready for asphalt.
Peninsula Paving putting a final top coat of trail asphalt down.
New asphalt on the ADA compliant trail.
Another section of fresh asphalt through the woods.
Asphalt on the intersection on the trail.
Completed asphalt starting from the top of the hill.

Eagle Scout Micah Wills has installed first two benches in the park.
Winter time cheer.

Livingston Composting makes for green grass!